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When specifying prior distributions, it is often useful to see which parameters are included in a given model. Using the Q-matrix and type of diagnostic model to estimated, we can create a list of all included parameters for which a prior can be specified.


get_parameters(x, qmatrix, ..., identifier = NULL)



A model specification (e.g., dcm_specify(), measurement model (e.g., lcdm()), or structural model (e.g., unconstrained()) object.


The Q-matrix. A data frame with 1 row per item and 1 column per attribute. May optionally include an additional column of item identifiers. If an identifier column is included, this should be specified with identifier. All cells for the remaining attribute columns should be either 0 (item does not measure the attribute) or 1 (item does measure the attribute).


Additional arguments passed to methods.


Optional. If present, the quoted name of the column in the qmatrix that contains item identifiers.


A tibble showing the available parameter types and coefficients for a specified model.


qmatrix <- tibble::tibble(item = paste0("item_", 1:10),
                          att1 = sample(0:1, size = 10, replace = TRUE),
                          att2 = sample(0:1, size = 10, replace = TRUE),
                          att3 = sample(0:1, size = 10, replace = TRUE),
                          att4 = sample(0:1, size = 10, replace = TRUE))
get_parameters(dina(), qmatrix = qmatrix, identifier = "item")
#> # A tibble: 20 × 3
#>    item    type  coefficient
#>    <chr>   <chr> <chr>      
#>  1 item_1  guess guess[1]   
#>  2 item_1  slip  slip[1]    
#>  3 item_2  guess guess[2]   
#>  4 item_2  slip  slip[2]    
#>  5 item_3  guess guess[3]   
#>  6 item_3  slip  slip[3]    
#>  7 item_4  guess guess[4]   
#>  8 item_4  slip  slip[4]    
#>  9 item_5  guess guess[5]   
#> 10 item_5  slip  slip[5]    
#> 11 item_6  guess guess[6]   
#> 12 item_6  slip  slip[6]    
#> 13 item_7  guess guess[7]   
#> 14 item_7  slip  slip[7]    
#> 15 item_8  guess guess[8]   
#> 16 item_8  slip  slip[8]    
#> 17 item_9  guess guess[9]   
#> 18 item_9  slip  slip[9]    
#> 19 item_10 guess guess[10]  
#> 20 item_10 slip  slip[10]