The dcm_specification
constructor is exported to facilitate the defining
of methods in other packages. We do not expect or recommend calling this
function directly. Rather, to create a model specification, one should use
qmatrix = structure(list(), names = character(0), row.names = integer(0), class =
qmatrix_meta = list(),
measurement_model = <object>,
structural_model = <object>,
priors = <object>
- qmatrix
A cleaned Q-matrix, as returned by
.- qmatrix_meta
A list of Q-matrix metadata consisting of the other (not Q-matrix) elements returned by
.- measurement_model
A measurement model object.
- structural_model
A structural model object.
- priors
A prior object.
qmatrix <- tibble::tibble(
att1 = sample(0:1, size = 15, replace = TRUE),
att2 = sample(0:1, size = 15, replace = TRUE),
att3 = sample(0:1, size = 15, replace = TRUE),
att4 = sample(0:1, size = 15, replace = TRUE)
dcm_specification(qmatrix = qmatrix,
qmatrix_meta = list(attribute_names = paste0("att", 1:4),
item_identifier = NULL,
item_names = 1:15),
measurement_model = lcdm(),
structural_model = unconstrained(),
priors = default_dcm_priors(lcdm(), unconstrained()))
#> A loglinear cognitive diagnostic model (LCDM) measuring 4 attributes with
#> 15 items.
#> ℹ Attributes:
#> ℹ Attribute structure:
#> Unconstrained
#> ℹ Prior distributions:
#> intercept ~ normal(0, 2)
#> maineffect ~ lognormal(0, 1)
#> interaction ~ normal(0, 2)
#> `Vc` ~ dirichlet()